Creating Your Routine: Tips for a Successful Comeback!

Creating Your Routine: Tips for a Successful Comeback!

The new year is all about creating new habits and routines, and those involving fitness can be the hardest to navigate. Bill Marzolla, Group Fitness Director at APJCC Los Gatos, gave some insight regarding how to find the right fitness path for you.

There are right ways & lots of wrong ways to exercise.

We recommend meeting with a personal trainer, or a nutritionist to start things off. You can get a good roadmap and learn proper technique – especially if you have been less active for a while or are coming back from an injury. 

Create a well rounded Fitness routine

A well rounded routine includes a mix of strength, cardio, core training, and flexibility. Personal training and group fitness classes help you find ways to incorporate those four key things into your workout regimen, while also taking into account your health history and time constraints.

Search for those four key words (strength, cardio, core training, and flexibility) in class titles and descriptions. Group fitness classes are great for doing things you wouldn’t normally do on your own. They are a great way to push yourself and meet your fitness goals.

Start Slow

Start by visiting the gym one to two days a week and assess how you’re feeling – if you are ready for more. Make sure to listen to your body and avoid repeating the same exercises to avoid burn out.

Contact our fitness instructors or personal trainers to start your fitness routine.
Memberships include a session with our personal trainer and nutrition coach. Schedule a meeting to create healthy habits and receive the tools you need for a successful fitness journey. To schedule your first free session click here!
Visit our community pool, located in the aquatics center of our Gym in Los Gatos. Heated to a perfect 82 degrees year round.